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Translational Medicine

March 1, 2013


The medical practice on interventional epidemiology is called translational medicine. It can be defined in terms of promoting multidisciplinary interactions between science and medicine to enhance disease research and drug development. It  helps a lot in developing the avenues of treatment of diseases and other biological disorders. These aspects are duly addressed by the renowned speakers at the OMICS Publishing Group Conference on Translational medicine.

OMICS Publishing Group Conference- Translation Medicine

An image showing An apple and stethosopeResearch & Advancements  gives new ways to diagnose and treat patients. It aims to improve the health and longevity of the world’s populations and depends on developing broad-based teams of scientists and scholars who are able to focus their efforts to link basic scientific discoveries within the arena of clinical investigation. Translational medicine and interventional epidemiology move hand in hand.

The talks and panel discussions at this Scientific Conferenceis mainly focusing on converting the results of clinical trials into changes in clinical practice, informed by evidence from the social and political sciences. Translational research is the process which leads from evidence based medicine to sustainable solutions for public health problems, and this will be covered at this Conference.

The Scientific Events Organizer and the World class Open Access Publisher, OMICS Publishing Group is proud to announce the 2nd International Conference on Translational Medicine to be held during August 5-7, 2013 in Chicago-North Shore, USA.  This provides a platform for scientific professionals and academicians to confer upon the latest forms of research.

The translational research and drug discovery both comes under a single path. It starts with the identification of a molecular mechanism and later on eventually leading to a drug that can specifically target a component. The tracks and themes of the OMICS Conference on Translational Medicine are arranged to depict the vital role in research and pharmaceutical industry.

At the successful meet of 1st International Conference on Translational Medicine, the researchers and developers had shared their experiences and ideas through research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking strategies.

Translational Medicine-2013, the second International Conference to be held by OMICS Publishing Group will cover the current and emerging challenges in the biopharmaceutical industry and strategies for drug development. Current strategies and processes for drug discovery and development within the pharmaceutical industry would be compared with the adoption of translational medicine research strategies.

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